schwuler Inhalt Bestellen bei Suchen und bieten bei - Schwule Filme auf DVD und Video. Die ganze Welt des schwulen Kinos.
Filme finden nach: Titel | Original | Jahr | Land | Genre | Thematik | Person | Neu erschienen | Zufall


Großbritannien, 1978. 109 Min. Import

Nighthawks is the story of Jim, a geography teacher at a London comprehensive school. Living alone in a cramped flat, his sexuality a half open secret to everyone but his pupils and his parents, he spends the evenings at gay bars and discos looking vainly for ‘Mr Right’. A succession of relationships peter out after two or three weeks, and the only continuities in his life are his work and his burgeoning friendship with a female supply teacher, Judy. Both are threatened as Jim’s quiet desperation boils up towards the surface...

Regie: Ron Peck
Darsteller: Ken Robertson, Tony Westrope

  Tonspuren EN Kein deutscher Ton oder Untertitel!

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Krankenversicherung Beiträge Vergleich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!